So ist das Wetter in der Skiregion Warth-Schröcken
-15° / -6°
With strong northeasterly winds
Clouds and very cold
Today, Sunday
Aktuelle Bedingungen
A powerful high-pressure system is now settling over our region for an extended period, ensuring beautiful weather throughout the weekend and well into the coming week. Initially, wintry cold will persist, with severe frost prevailing continuously over the weekend. Additionally, on Sunday, strong northeasterly winds may introduce fog-like cloud cover into the weather pattern. The strong wind, which will further intensify the cold, will bring very dry air starting Monday, resulting in bright sunshine in a cloudless sky. Tuesday will see no change in this pattern, except for weakening winds and a significant rise in temperatures. On Wednesday, a few harmless clouds will mix with the sunshine. During the second half of next week, the high-pressure system will position its center directly over us, causing the air to dry out sustainably and making it noticeably too mild for the season.
„As a meteorologist in the region, I am not only very familiar with the small-scale meteorological particuliarities that distinguish the Arlberg region from other regions, but also with the demands that locals and guests place on a regional weather report.“
So winter sports enthusiasts know what to expect
Snowfall or sunshine – your winter holidays in Warth-Schröcken in the Arlberg region will be an adventure either way! No matter what the weather is like, there is plenty to do and experience both on and off the slopes. The weather report not only helps you plan your days but also informs you about the conditions in the mountains.
Find out about the current weather, which temperatures to expect, and whether there will be snowfall. Having a look at the live webcams is well worth it, too!